(+353) 21 4709708

Hall Industrial- Providers Ireland's only Vertical Blasting

These efficient systems are used in conjunction with roof rigging systems, hydraulic winches or cranes, to prepare the si s of vertical s teel surfaces. These special systems operate in an up-and-down direction to clean and profile the surface. They are guided via remote control for added productivity.Surface preparation and removal of paint and coatings is carried out using vertical captive blasting equipment. The vertical blasting machine is suspended from a crane and electromagnets hold the blast head against the treatment face. The vertical blast head recycles the steel shot, as old paint, coatings and corroded steel are removed from the work face and delivered to a dust arrest or at ground level using vacuum equipment.

Typical Applications:

The Blastrac vertical shot blasting systems are used to prepare the sides of petrochemical or water storage tanks, ship hulls and other vertical or near-vertical steel surfaces. To receive advice or training about steel cleaning, or to find the best products for your surface preparation applications, click here to contact Hall Industrial.

Please checkout the videos below for further information.